Posted 03 Jul 2012
[pullquote]The police state is attempting to engulf everything in its path.[/pullquote]Security measures and experiencing the police state security are a big talk in every single nation today. With so many world changes, events of violence, life threatening and altering measures having taken place, especially in the last two decades, security measures have gone to great heights of individual scanning and recording.
However, one cannot always guarantee that these surveillance measures will work with much effectiveness or to the degree they have been designed and implemented. From time to time society experiences different levels of violence. If the violent source is from a measure where the public has felt so completely at trust then the public trust falls. Governments, not individual actors, are the most dangerous violent source most people will ever encounter.
Sure, privacy policies can partially impede some of the surveillance measures but there are still many connecting blocks regarding your privacy. The crux of the balancing point is between privacy policy and state governing laws. But those laws are now being used to remove all of an individual's protection while shrouding the watchers in secrecy with no accountability.
But even with governments running amok and over everyone's privacy there is still a question of competence. Which government on earth has been able to be competent to a level of excellence without being complacent or simply unable to adequately analyze the data, information and intelligence they have collected?
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[pullquote]Protection can be acquired for nearly free while the cost to extort and potential return on investment has been plummeting.[/pullquote]Sure, the dilemmas are ever present and they move in a strong accordion motion of energetic flow from the private to the public balancing act. But the call for help from so many works in terms of actual determination of when it is time for giving the private space and protective measures and actions. Technology is always advancing and can be powerfully wielded as a protective tool.
The government body, corporations and even individuals will always have different views and needs for privacy and data protection. However, this protection is not free and at the very least costs some time and may cost money.
Sure, there may be concurrent measures of law that affect what can and cannot be legally done. But often huge chasms of dissatisfied living conditions lead to questioning the very existence of human authority. The nation-state is on the decline.
As a result, it is best to vanish as these doomed dinosaurs descend towards fossilization. Yes, there are different areas through which the governments and corporations seem to be experiencing the upper hand in determining the laws with regards to privacy but technology stands to benefit the individual.
This has been the case throughout history. The Guttenberg press upset the previous world order while ushering in the Industrial Age. So likewise the Internet is upsetting the current world order while ushering in the Information Age.
There have always been conflicts throughout the entire history of human evolution. The individual versus the State has been a constant battle. But this time around technology is shifting the economics of violence. Protection can be acquired for nearly free while the cost to extort and potential return on investment has been plummeting.
The more people who seek the protection of cryptography then it gets exponentially more expensive to breach people's privacy. This is an economic battle weighing heavily in the individual's favor.
Hopefully, you now have a better look on the police state security, the inherent weaknesses and how you can take control of and protect your financial privacy. And remember: ALWAYS go that extra mile to protect your personal information by implementing stealth tactics from sources like How To Vanish The Book, The Mini-Guide To Financial Privacy or the Beginner's Guide To Bitcoin and Bitcoin Services.